Lead Pastor - First Baptist Church of Milford
Edward Barclay serves as the Lead Pastor of First Baptist. In 2011, God used the Barclays to plant a growing church in Loveland, Colorado. In 2021, First Baptist voted for Edward to become its next pastor. Both Edward and his wife, April, grew up around the Ohio River valley and love ministering and serving others in their local community with their four kids.

Former Pastor - First Baptist Church of Milford
Bill Duttry served as the Senior Pastor of First Baptist from 1999 to 2022. During his ministry, God tremendously blessed this church's ministries and global impact. He and his wife Pam have three children who serve the Lord together with their families in full-time ministry. Bill Duttry's passion continues to be developing gospel messengers and publishing the message of God's Word worldwide.
Former Pastor - First Baptist Church of Milford
Charles Keen served as the Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church of Milford for over 35 years. During his ministry, he led the church to cultivate an incredible reputation for missions and global outreach. He founded Milford Christian Academy and Bearing Precious Seed. Charles and Mary Keen continue to encourage Christians to publish God's Word among people with the least access to it--whether that means Bible translation or pre-evangelism.

Professor - Biblical School of World Evangelism
Larry Quinlan was born into a missionary family and raised in the Philippine Islands. At the age of five, he was born again. As a child, he surrendered his life to God, and at the age of fifteen, God called him to Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim country. Larry and his wife Nancy arrived in Indonesia in 1987, where God used them to start and establish two churches, as well as train and assist many other Indonesian nationals to do the same. After nearly thirty years on the field, God led them to First Baptist Church of Milford, where Larry teaches missions at Biblical School of World Evangelism.
Director - firstBible International
Dale and Vickie Money graduated from Milford Christian Academy in 1986 and were married the next year. When Dale graduated from Victory Baptist College in 2000, their family yielded to God’s direction to return to Ohio. They joined the First Baptist Church of Milford and became missionaries in the Bearing Precious Seed ministry. In 2006, Dale was given the opportunity to direct BPS Seedline, and in 2014, God opened the door for Dale to become the director of firstBible International. Over the past 23 years of service in Bearing Precious Seed, Dale and Vickie have had the opportunity to witness the Lord provide copies of the Word of God to millions of people in multiple languages worldwide.