Danny Edwards
Danny Edwards was saved at the age of five and called to preach when he was seventeen. He and his wife Cheryl have three children. Bro. Edwards pastored for thirty years but is currently a missionary with Bearing Precious Seed. He is passionate about printing and preaching the Bible.

Jim Price
firstBible Canada
Jim Price was saved when he was twenty-three years old, and he surrendered to full-time service at the age of twenty-six. He and his wife Ruth have seven children. Bro. Price pastored a church in Alberta, Canada for 25 years and is currently a missionary for firstBible International. He and Ruth are excited about what the Lord has for them as they seek to be advocates for the unreached.

Jim Childress
Jim Childress and his wife Phyllis were born in Cincinnati, Ohio. He served in the U.S. Army for five years, four of which were in Panama, where he received the call to be a missionary. The Childresses were sent out by Graceway Baptist Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and have been on the mission field of Panama for forty-five years.

Daniel Grover
Libby, MT
Daniel Grover was saved at the age of nineteen while serving in the US Army. While stationed in Anchorage, Alaska, the Lord called him to preach as well as be a church planter. He later met his wife, Lindsay, while attending Crown College. Upon completing his coursework, Bro. Grover worked on staff at Crown College as well as Temple Baptist Church for two and a half years. The Grovers then worked at Crown College’s newest extension campus in Montana. There, God gave them a burden to plant a church in the small town of Libby, Montana. They are currently on deputation.